Find all the brand elements here
Flexi Banners

Use the materials that best fit the style of your page to say that you offer Flexi as a payment solution. Download them and choose from the different color, size and format options that we have prepared for you.

In the folder you will find the following options:

  • 3, 6, or 12 months
  • 3, 6, 12 or 18 months
Download all formats
Download a .zip folder with all Flexi banner formats and colours.
Flexi messages

Here we share the descriptive texts of our solutions, for you to use on your page, social networks and emails. You can modify them to suit your brand's tone of voice. Copy and paste this text using the button.

Pay at your own pace

Choose to pay with total flexibility. You decide, without interest or with a small cost and terms of up to 18 months. Advance payments or change dates, you're in control of your finances. Clear, transparent and instantly approved costs.

Sounds good, doesn't it? Do your shopping with seQura in a flash. With only 5 pieces of information, without paperwork and without uploading any documents. Easy, fast and secure.

  1. Choose seQura as your payment method and select the amount of instalments at the end of your order.
  2. Fill in 5 details and we will instantly confirm your purchase. Today you only pay for the first instalment.
  3. Enjoy your shopping and pay comfortably. Your payments will be made automatically each month.

Paga a tu ritmo
Elige pagar con total flexibilidad. Tú decides, sin interés o con un pequeño coste y plazos de hasta 18 meses. Adelanta los pagos o cambia las fechas, estás en control de tus finanzas. Costes claros, transparentes y con aprobación al instante.
Suena bien, ¿no? Haz tus compras con seQura en un plis. Con solo 5 datos, sin papeleo y sin subir ningún documento. Fácil, rápido y seguro.
Elige seQura como método de pago y selecciona la cantidad de cuotas  al finalizar tu pedido.
Completa 5 datos y al instante te  confirmamos tu compra. Hoy solo pagas el primer plazo.
Disfruta de tu compra y paga cómodamente. Tus pagos se harán automáticamente cada mes.

Flexi Escalated Banners

Use the materials that best fit the style of your page to say that you offer Flexi as a payment solution. Download them and choose from the different colour, size and format options that we have prepared for you. Find out the best ways to integrate them here.

In the folder you will find the following options:

  • 3 or 6 months free of charge, 12 months with interest.
  • 3 or 6 months free of charge, 12 or 18 months with interest.
Download all formats
Download a .zip folder with all Flexi banner formats and colours.
Empowering smart and flexible shopping
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Si tienes dudas, entra en contacto con nosotros:
Soporte técnico / Teléfono +34 931 760 008