Find here all the brand elements
Banners by sector

We have developed a series of banners adapted to each sector, with a specific message and image to reach your audience in a more effective way.

Utilizar la comunicación sectorizada ayuda a acercar la solución de pagos flexibles a tus clientes.

Utilizar la comunicación sectorizada ayuda a acercar la solución de pagos flexibles a tus clientes.

Utilizar la comunicación sectorizada ayuda a acercar la solución de pagos flexibles a tus clientes.

Utilizar la comunicación sectorizada ayuda a acercar la solución de pagos flexibles a tus clientes.

Utilizar la comunicación sectorizada ayuda a acercar la solución de pagos flexibles a tus clientes.

Utilizar la comunicación sectorizada ayuda a acercar la solución de pagos flexibles a tus clientes.

Utilizar la comunicación sectorizada ayuda a acercar la solución de pagos flexibles a tus clientes.

L’utilisation d’une communication sectorisée permet de rapprocher la solution de paiement flexible à vos clients

L’utilisation d’une communication sectorisée permet de rapprocher la solution de paiement flexible à vos clients

L’utilisation d’une communication sectorisée permet de rapprocher la solution de paiement flexible à vos clients

Generic seQura Banners

Use the materials that best fit the style of your page to say that you offer seQura's payment solutions. Download them and choose from the different colour, size and format options we have prepared for you.

Download generic banners
Download a .zip folder with all the formats and colours of generic seQura banners.
Banners Split into 3

Use the materials that best fit the style of your page to say that you offer the Split into 3 payment solution. Download them and choose from the different colour, size and format options we have prepared for you.

Download banners
Download a .zip folder with all the Split into 3 banner formats and colours.
Split Payment Banners

Use the materials that best fit the style of your page to say that you offer the split payment solution. Download them and choose from the different options we have prepared for you.

In the folder you will find the following options:

  • 3, 6, or 12 months
  • 3, 6, 12 or 18 months
  • 4, 6, or 12 months
  • 4, 6, 12 or 18 months
Download banners
Download a .zip folder with all the formats and colours of Split Payment banners.
Receive it First Banners

You can use them in your communication materials, such as newsletters, banners and social networks. Choose the pill that best fits the visual style of your campaign, you have several colour and size combinations.

Download banners
Download a .zip folder with all the formats and colours of Receive it First banners.
Flexi Banners

Use the materials that best fit the style of your page to say that you offer Flexi as a payment solution. Download them and choose from the different color, size and format options that we have prepared for you.

In the folder you will find the following options:

  • 3, 6, or 12 months
  • 3, 6, 12 or 18 months
Download banners
Download a .zip folder with all Flexi banner formats and colours.
Empowering smart and flexible shopping
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Si tienes dudas, entra en contacto con nosotros:
Soporte técnico / Teléfono +34 931 760 008