Receive it first
Trust and security for
your customers
Reduce the uncertainty of online shopping and increase the conversion rate.
Offer your customers buy now and pay later, having received the order.
with greater frequency and
higher average transactions
Improve the shopping experience and increase conversion by allowing your online visitors to receive, touch or try your product before paying for it.
¿Cómo funciona el Paga Después de seQura?
your customers learn that they can pay later at no additional charge.
You collect payment up-front.
collect payment up-front, risk-free for you.
and maximise your sales
Adapt to the various buyer types and increase conversion rates at the checkout.
Free of charge to the retailer, complete flexibility for the consumer with up to 24 months to pay. Attract new customers and increase your average transaction.
Offers access to the latest products with fully comprehensive insurance included, for a reduced monthly instalment to increase your margins and repeat business.
Compras más ágiles, sin fricción. Todos nuestros métodos de pago, y las ventajas de la experiencia online, en tu tienda.
If you prefer to pay in instalments, you can change the payment plan at any time in your user account. You just have to find the order and select "Split payment". You can split the payment over 3 or 6 months.
Select "Pay Later" as the payment method at the end of your purchase. This will take you to our system where you'll just need your ID number and mobile number. And that's it! Your purchase will have been made without paying for it yet.
When the store ships your purchase you'll receive an email with the next instructions for payment once you've checked your purchase.
*It's unusual, but for reasons of security some retailers will also ask you for your card number. This is not to charge you at the time but to process an automatic payment 7 days after shipping when you've had time to check your purchase.
You choose! Once you've checked your purchase you can pay by card, bank transfer or by bank deposit.
To pay by card:
In your user account select the purchase you want to pay for and click "Pay now".
To pay by bank transfer or bank deposit:
We have accounts with five different banks for you to choose from. Check our account details.
Don't forget to include the reference that we give you in the email so we can find your payment.
*If you choose to go to the bank and make a deposit you should bear in mind that banks do not accept cents and round up the amount.
It's as free as the air we breathe. Free of subsequent hidden costs, just the amount of your purchase. Just remember that if you choose the option of paying by bank transfer, your bank may charge a commission for the transfer.
It's unusual, but sometimes depending on the type of retailer or product, we may ask for card details in the last step for security reasons. Payment will not be made at the time of purchase but automatically 7 days after the store notifies us that your purchase has been shipped.
If you're not satisfied with your purchase and decide to return it, you'll just need to notify us in your user account via "Notify return" and we'll stop the payment for a few days until the store confirms the return.
Stores sometimes face logistical problems and shipments take more than 7 days to arrive. No need to worry!
Get in touch with us and we'll postpone the payment date so you can receive your purchase in good time before paying for it.
It's important that you let us know so we don't bother you with late payment notifications.
Of course! If you don't want to wait you can pay whenever you like once delivery has been made.
The easiest way is to log on to your account and pay with your debit or credit card (Visa or Mastercard). You can also choose to be charged automatically by clicking "Automatic payment" in your user account and that way you don't need to keep an eye on the due date (you'll always receive a confirmation email whether the automatic payment has gone through successfully or there has been some kind of problem).
If you prefer, you can also pay by bank transfer or bank deposit*. We have accounts with five different banks for you to choose from. Don't forget to include the reference that we give you in the email so we can find your payment.
* If you choose to go to the bank and make a deposit you should bear in mind that banks do not accept cents and round up the amount.
If you pay by card (whether manually or automatically) we'll send you a confirmation by email. So you'll always know if we've received the payment or not. If not, well immediately look for a solution.
If you make the payment by transfer or bank deposit we'll send you the confirmation email when we receive the payment. Transfers can take 1-2 days to arrive. If more than 2 working days go by after paying and you haven t received our confirmation, you can contact us to check the status of your payment.
First you need to contact the store where you made the purchase to start the return process as instructed by the retailer.
Then, avoid paying for something you're not going to keep. To do this, log in to your account, find the order, click "Notify return" and we'll suspend the payment until the store notifies us of the return.
Once the store confirms the return, well process the refund immediately using the same method you used to make the original payment. If you paid by card well refund the amount to your card. If you paid by bank transfer or bank deposit, we'll ask you for the account number to send you the refund.
This process may take 2-5 working days.
SeQura se ajustó a nuestro negocio desde el principio como una solución hecha a medida.
Necesitábamos un método de fraccionamiento de pago fácil, cómodo, rápido.
Sequra nos lo ha dado y ha aumentado nuestras ventas en los canales tienda y online.
SeQura nos ha ayudado a desarrollar un proceso de contratación totalmente digital, intuitivo e inmediato, que ha sido clave en el éxito del lanzamiento del servicio de renting de móviles de última generación.
La calidad de la experiencia de suscripción desarrollada, y su algoritmo de riesgo marcan la diferencia
Lo que más valoro de SeQura es la sencillez y agilidad de su operativa, que nos permite reducir los tiempos de tramitación e incrementar ventas.
Además, deja una sensación muy positiva de cara a nuestros pacientes.
SeQura entiende y se adapta a nuestro sector en profundidad.
Sus soluciones de pago aplazado y sus continuas optimizaciones de nuestra integración nos han ayudado a doblar el ticket medio respecto a nuestras ventas no financiadas.
Los resultados siguen mejorando cada año, son un socio ideal para nuestro negocio
No podemos estar más contentos con SeQura, llevamos 4 años con ellos y notamos el incremento de ventas desde el primer mes.
Destacaría su continua innovación, pues no cesan de proponer mejoras y nuevos servicios cada año. Además, es un placer trabajar con ellos
Contamos con SeQura desde el inicio del eCommerce, por el tipo de producto necesitábamos un método de pago fraccionado pero que fuese rápida, fácil e intuitiva, SeQura lo cumple.
Además de la facilidad de pago para el cliente, a nosotros nos ha servido para incrementar el ticket medio en un 40%.
Empezamos con Sequra para facilitar la financiación a nuestros clientes de forma fácil y rápida.
Es un éxito; ya que desde que estamos con ellos hemos aumentado las ventas un 22%.
Buscamos ofrecer al cliente la mejor experiencia en la compra online y que el proceso sea muy intuitivo y simple.
SeQura se ajustó a nuestras necesidades desde el principio, jugando un papel muy importante en el incremento del ticket medio y el ratio de recurrencia.
SeQura se adaptó a nuestras necesidades y a las de nuestros clientes, creando un producto a medida, con el que incrementamos las ventas y el ticket medio, desde el primer día.
Gracias a la posibilidad de fragmentar y poder pagar más tarde las compras, SeQura ha facilitado las conversiones a nuestras clientas.
El método es seguro, funcional y flexible para que nadie se vaya de Venca sin su prenda o producto favorito.
Llevamos con Sequra como partner estratégico desde 2018, desde entonces han estado siempre a nuestro lado apoyándonos para alcanzar nuestros objetivos y mejorar la experiencia de nuestros clientes. Gracias a su experiencia en medios de pago, hemos mejorado 2 de nuestros principales KPI, la conversión y el pedido medio. Además, el trato es inmejorable, lo que hace que sea muy fácil trabajar día a día con ellos.
Ventajas de incorporar el Paga después de SeQura
El crecimiento de un comercio va de la mano de las facilidades que le ofreces a tus clientes. ¿Y qué mayor facilidad hay que dar la posibilidad de aplazar el pago y poder pagar después?
Aumenta la conversión: Sin necesidad de desembolso aumenta la posibilidad de que los usuarios acaben realizando una compra.
Nuevos clientes: El paga después es una forma eficaz de conseguir que un cliente elija nuestro comercio frente al de un competidor.
Aumenta la credibilidad: Ofrecer una experiencia de compra positiva y con facilidades de pago hará que tus clientes repitan con más frecuencia.